• RMIT University

    Principal sponsor.

    RMIT University Snow Sports is a fully affiliated RMIT Sports club, RMIT helps us enable fantastic student experiences and build student life and culture outside of class!

    Here’s to the best University in Melbourne!

  • Preston Lodge

    Primary Sponsor.

    The home of RUSS at Mt Buller! Preston Alpine Lodge offers affordable dormitory style accommodation right in the heart of Mt Buller village.

    Very affordable accomodation available for all RUSS 2025 Members!

  • Snowmonkey

    Secondary Sponsor.

    Snowmonkey is a retail and hire shop that has been kitting out RUSS members for years with high quality gear at great prices! With stores in Collingwood, Hotham and Falls Creek, Snowmonkey has your back!

    All RUSS members also get a great discount at Snowmonkey!

  • Black Mountain

    Secondary Sponsor.

    Black Mountain Equipment is your leading snow rental store on Mt Buller - Offering 2025 RUSS members very affordable and high quality on mountain ski rentals at Mt Buller!

    Make sure to mention to the staff that you’re a 2025 RUSS member for a discount!

  • Red Bull

    Secondary Sponsor.

    Red Bull gives RUSS wings! Red Bull is sure to keep RUSS stocked for those late night parties, and early morning first track wakes.

  • New Guernica

    Tertiary Sponsor

    RUSS’ party rock capital of the world. Guerns has been working with RUSS for the past few years; Thursdays at Guerns, RUSS will be there.

    Make sure to bring your Guerns Medallion along for free entry every Thursday!

  • Liebe Skii

    Tertiary sponsor.

    The only Australian made ski brand, Liebe Skii focus is on design, engineering and the use of high quality materials to make high energy, high performance skis completely tailored to their customers.

  • Züüm energy gum

    Tertiary Sponsor

    Züüm keeps RUSS fueled from those late night study sessions to early lift runs.


    Tertiary Sponsor

    Keeping Preston Lodge and our open day stalls stocked with yummy treats for our members!

Being a University club, we pride ourselves on offering fantastic experiences in an affordable manner for all our members. However, being a not-for-profit community club within an expensive sporting environment can often have its financial constraints.

As such, at RUSS we deeply value our sponsorship relations who enable us to facilitate amazing experiences to all peoples; regardless of socio-economic backgrounds.

If you, someone you know, or a company you are affiliated with would be interested in supporting RUSS - Lets talk! contact@rmitsnowsports.com